Friday, April 19, 2013

Reverse the Cosmic Time Clock with Huna Rejuvenation and Transmutation Ritual

  • Huna is a Hawaiian miracle working technique if you have faith in it, it will definitely give you health, youth and long life.
  • HUNA is a system of mind, body, spirit integration and healing. In HUNA psychology there are three selves in one man. The three selves of HUNA are the lower self, the middle self and the higher self. They are so called because of their psychical locations in the physical body. The lower-self is located in solar plexus or the rib cage, the middle-self is located in the head and the higher-self is situated at about five feet above the head
  • Kahuna believes that all heath problems arise due to disharmony of men with his three selves.
  • They believe that any conflict within human psyche will manifest its self in his physical body in due time.
  • A disturbance in mind soon manifests its self in the body.
  • Total health and rejuvenation came only with the harmony of purpose between the three selves.
  • Our Higher self releases very mysterious brain waves that affects the body chemistry and keep us healthy and younger.
  • When we attuned to our higher self, the cells of the brain and body align themselves with the vast reservoir of power and maintain their natural state of health.
  • All diseases are induced in the body by the induced negative thought and emotion patterns. Through the system of three selves of Huna, the higher self causes the mind and body to relax and sent mysterious forces to the heart, nerves and muscles which heals most forms of mental and physical illness and prevents the erosion of age and premature death by actually retarding the death of cells in the brain and body.


  • Rejuvenation is phenomenon of restoration of vitality and freshness. It reverses the process of aging and resorting to more youthful conditions.
  • The Huna ritual actually repairs and reverse the accumulating damage of the aging process and restored to us the more healthy and youthful conditions.

  • Transmutation is the art of changing the nature of one substance so drastically by altering its quality and properties that it becomes a new substance.
  • The Huna ritual raise the vibration of your higher self and transmute the ordinary conditioned physical and mental structure into timelessness or sphere of springtime in which eternally alive within our heart and soul.

Huna ritual for rejuvenation and transmutation:

  • Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position, with crossed legs and closed eyes.
  • Visualize your higher self as a self ignited and illuminated sun scattering and radiating thousands volts of silver white spiritual electricity, located about five feet above your head.
  • Now visualize a beautiful pure stream of water, symbolical of spiritual energy and light pouring down from your higher self flowing down into your head, through your body and exiting from your feet. Visualize this purifying stream washing away, all impurities and germs that are in your body. See all the wrinkles, pain, diseases, hormonal imbalances, debility and old age symptoms have been washed away. All the body germs, impurities and negative thoughts being washed out as the unclean and dirty- muddy- black water, flowing out through your feet, out of your body, out of your house, into the drainage system. Along with physical impurity, all karmic debts, blockages, negative thoughts and feelings are also being washed out. Bath in this spiritual stream, unless you watch a very clear, cool, beautiful and vital steam of water exiting out from your feet, completely replenishing and purifying you.
  • Now take five to six deep breaths in order to build the Prana, necessary to be offered to your higher self.
  • Now visualize the accumulated Prana as a very high voltage silver white electrical ball in your Solar-Plexus [rib cage].
  • Offer this Prana to your higher self, see the Prana surging up from your Solar-Plexus [like an erupting volcano] and out through your head. See it forming a huge circle of light, above your head.
  • Within this circle of pure light now see yourself as getting younger and setting the cosmic age clock at 16, 25, and 30 whatever you want. With the elevated level of youth and vitality visualize yourself doing all thing your desire such as swimming, dancing, playing golf or cricket
  • A tremendous highly charged transmutation has taken place in your body because of this extremely potent technique.
  • Now say firmly and positively- '' with the power of my higher self I release the chemistry of youth within my body. I now command my higher self to set my cosmic age at 25 with superabundance of vitality and vigour. I am now totally healed, cleansed and purified, from this moment I will always remain healthy, I ask for regeneration of only healthy cells within my body which will restore my physical energy and health, I know and believe that my higher self will heal and balance me on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels and with the power of my higher self I declare myself young and healthy.''
  • Thanks your higher self with a real feeling of gratitude and joy.
Repeat this mystical ritual, at least once every day until all debility and old age symptoms have permanently disappeared.


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