Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Fastest and Easiest Technique of Activating Third Eye Chakra

Benefits  of activating third eye chakra:

eye chakra or Ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is the seat of soul. Meditation on this chakra brings nectar, unlimited visions and the ability of controlling adverse circumstances.
•The three major nadis Ida, Pingla and Sushumna meet in the third eye chakra, thus before awaking of kundalini Shakti the third eye chakra should be greatly purified and open

•Ajna or third eye chakra is the centre of wisdom and intuition. When this chakra is awaken mind becomes study, calm, reliable and free of all attachments.
•Awakening third eye chakra improves your memory; increase the mystical power of mind. You will perceive psychic guidance, psychic visions, extra sensory perception, clairvoyance and divine intuition.
•Will power becomes very strong and all goals of the aspirant are achieved.
•The aspirant acquires the full control of prana. He can easily distribute the prana inside and outside the body at his will.
•Awakening of third eye chakra gives many siddhis and mystical powers to the seeker.
•The quality of beauty, friendliness, generosity, happiness and radiance are being incorporated in the personality of the seeker.

Significance of a mantra:
•A mantra works by creating its very special and own type of resonance in space by throwing out subtle sound or vibration.•A mantra is a pure form of energy having the qualities of mobility, fluidity, softness, emitting of a mantra is to bring the mind to state of devotion and concentration.
•Sound vibrations created by utterance of a mantra enable the aspirant to attain the state of concentration, absorption, super consciousness and illumination.
•Mantra is a form of a prayer which invokes the presiding deity of that mantra. Mantra chanting can awake amazing powers of mind and soul through the opening of that specific chakra of consciousness which related with the specific precalories and movement of by the power impulses.
•The purpose siding deity.
•If a mantra is awakened in the breath while concentrating on a specific chakra the whole body is recharged. The psychic toxins and blocks of that chakra are eliminated. The chakra opens with its full potentiality and the stage of union of individualized being with God is reached.

Sita-Ram mantra:
•Ram and Sita were avatars of lord Vishnu and Laxmi. Chanting Sita Ram mantra unites our own perfect masculine and famine energy.
•Ram symbolizes the Purusha or consciousness and Sita symbolizes the Kundalini Shakti the power of manifestation or prakriti.
•At third eye chakra Ram [soul or consciousness] dwells with his eternal consort Sita [Shakti or matter energy].
•The divine couple resides in third eye chakra. Chanting the Sita ram mantra automatically opens the mystical psychic lock of this chakra.

Science of activating the third eye with Sita Ram mantra:
  • Control the thoughts and focus the mind by chanting Sita Ram mantra.

The whole technique will arrest the subconscious and conscious states of mind at third eye chakra resulting in the instant opening of that chakra.
•The energizing and purifying breaths of concentric breathing patterns purify and regenerate the mind and soul.
•Concentric breathing patterns are a set of rhythmic and synchronizing breaths associated with constant visualization of circles one inside the other.

•The rhythmic visualization of expansion and contraction of prana as fine streaks of light at third eye chakra results in unlocking the psychic lock of third eye chakra.

The technique:
Sit in a comfortable position with crossed legs and closed eyes.
•Take 5 slow and deep breaths and relaxed your whole body.
•Take another 5 slow and deep breath and relaxed your breath more and more.
•Take 5 breaths relax your mind more and more.
•Now take your attention to third eye chakra located between eyebrows.
•In this area you have to visualize two concentric circles.
•The smaller inner one is silver bright in colour and the outer bigger one is sparkling golden in colour covering the inner silver circle.
•These concentric silver and golden circle are radiating pure intense and divine spiritual electrical light of thousands volts.
Now synchronize simultaneously you breaths inhalation-exhalation, chanting Sita-Ram and visualization of inner silver and outer golden circles.
•Now mentally chant Sita-Ram mantra, when you inhale mentally chant Sita focus your attention on smaller inner silver circle and when you exhale, mentally chant Ram and expend your attention on outer bigger golden circle and again when you inhale chant Sita and again contact your attention to inner silver circle.
•Breath/mentally chant/visualize in this manner, inhalation---chant Sita---contraction to inner silver circle---exhalation---chant  Ram---expansion to outer golden circle.
•Forget about your whole body all surroundings and entire universe only visualize the two contracting and expending silver-golden concentric circle.
•Gradually increase yours breathing-chanting -visualization time from 5 to 30 minutes over a period of time.
•This is the easiest and surest technique of activating your third eye chakra.
Signs and symptoms of third eye chakra activation:
•There are some signs related to activation of third eye chakra, by closing your eyes you may see:
1. Sparking lights.
2. Blue/purple/silver white colours.
3. Black sky with infinite stars.
4. Silver white dots.
5. Purple or indigo coloured figure of circle/triangle/square/eye.
•You may have a tingling electrical sensation in your body. You may feel pressure or sensation of screwing or pulsation in the area of third eye chakra.
•You may see aura, images, shadows, different colours and different invisible entities of other dimensions.
•Your dream becomes quite real and vivid.
•After the activation of third eye chakra you will become more sensitive towards others energy field.
Time scale for third eye activation:
•The time takes to activate the third eye chakra is different for everyone, usually it depends upon one's own dedication, sincerity and the application of right technique.
•Usually the third eye is activated according to the spiritual advancement, the accumulated spiritual progress of previous births. The activation may take place between the time periods of one weak to three months.

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