Wednesday, February 20, 2013

एक अनदेखा, अनजाना, अपरिचित ........ मुसाफ़िर

यद्यपि मुझे भी यह महसूस होता है की मैं तुझे बचपन से जानता हूँ | मैं तेरे साथ बचपन से खेलता और महोब्बत करता चला आया हूँ | मुझे लगता है की शायद मैं तेरे बचपन का साथी हूँ, तेरे लापरवाह और मौजी बचपन का चश्मदीद गवाह हूँ मैं |

 मैंने नदी के नीले पानी में तेरे  साथ तैरते हुए तेरी काले बालों की  चुटिया को पकड़कर यूँ घसीटा है की तू चिल्ला उठी | तेरे हाथों को अपने हाथों में लेकर मैं कितनी बार जामुन के पेड़ के नीचे नाचा हूँ और जाने कितने अमरुद तोड़ कर खाएं हैं। जाने कितने गुलाब की पंखुड़ियों को तेरे ऊपर न्योछावर की है।

कई कई बार जब चन्द्रमा अशोक के पेड़ों के झुरमुट के पीछे से उदय हुआ , मैंने चांदिनी और अंधियारे की कांपती हुई शतरंज पर तेरी फिर -फिर, बार-बार   प्रतीक्षा की है।

तेरी पतली लचकती हुई कमर में हाथ डाल कर तेरे कसमसाते हुए शरीर को अपने सीने से लगाया है। मैं इन फूलों की पंखुड़ियों की तरह चंचल और कोमल होठों का रस जानता हूँ। तेरी साँस की मृदुलता और काजल से स्याह आँखों में चमकते हुए मोतियों की आभा से मैं परिचित हूँ।

लेकिन मैं इन उलझनों में पड़ना नहीं चाहता हूँ। मैं अपने दिल में उस लौ को सुरक्षित कर लेना चाहता हूँ जो शीशे की चारदीवारी के बाहर फूलों की तरह सुन्दर परवानों की तरफ तकती है जलती और जगमगाती रह जाती है।

हमेशा की तरह मैं तुझे एक बार फिर छोड़ जाऊंगा उस अनंत प्रतीक्षा के क्षणों में। मैं एक मुसाफिर हूँ ...मेरी पगडण्डी किसी कोने से नहीं मुड़ती यह चली जाती है सीधे नीले आकाश के पार .....अनंत में ...

जब जब तेरी असीम झील सी आँखों में औंस की बुँदे देखूंगा ...... तो मेरे बेपरवाह आवारा पैर  फिर ठिठक जायेंगें........ और मैं एक हल्का सा हवा का झोंका बन कर अपने सशक्त बाजुओं से तुझे एक बार  फिर विषाद रेखा से पार करा दूंगा।

तू निर्दोष है ........ लेकिन मैं अपनी आवारगी से मजबूर हूँ ...... तेरी रूह की रूहानियत और पाकीज़गी ........अमरबेल बन...... मेरे पैरों से लिपट कर.....एक बार फिर मुझे आगे जाने से रोकने की नादान कोशिश करेंगें ........क्यों तेरा मासूम  दिल यह समझ नहीं पाता है की तू एक इंसान है और मैं एक आवारा फ़रिश्ता .......


तेरे चेहरे पर एक छोटी सी मुस्कान देख कर  मैं भी हँसते हुए एक बार फिर   अपनी निगाह फेर लूँगा तुझसे .....मैं आवारा ....खडकी ......मस्तमौला  ...एक मुसाफिर….. फिर तेजी से निकल जाऊंगा अपने सफर की पगडण्डी पर छलांगें लगाता हुआ भागता हुआ .....अनंत यात्रा पर .......और तू  बैठ जाना उस असीम   इंतजार की निश्ब्धता मैं एक बार ....... और.......फिर से ........

एक अनदेखा, अनजाना, अपरिचित ........मुसाफ़िर 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Powerful Mystical Technique for Dissolving a Curse

A curse is a very strong negative etheric electricity of hate and destruction, forcefully directed towards a person with a wish to harm or hurt him. Curses works on the subtle plane. When a man is angry, out of temper, jealous then reasons and logic are generally thrown to back seat, and he consciously directs his negative emotions against whom he deliberately wishes harm in the form of curse.

A curse is a conscious supernatural negative thought form performed by an authoritative figure and accepted by person/society, whether or not they believe in it or not, the curses surely works.

If you are the victim of consciously directed hatred curse you could be in real trouble, ill health, undignostic diseases, psychic attacks, unexplained accidents, sudden deaths, miscarriages and nothing going right can be taken as evidence of curse in many cases.

The curse dissolving ritual
  • Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position with closed eyes.
  • Now visualise a beautiful pure stream, symbolical of spiritual energy and light pouring down from your Higher Self [which is a glowing sun, posited at 5 feet above your head], flowing down into your head and through your body. Visualize this purifying stream as washing away all harm and negativity within your system. Visualize the water also flowing at about three feet outside your physical body in order to clean your etheric and astral bodies. See all the evil and unpleasant influences being thoroughly cleansed out by the holy water. Seeing the water becoming dirty and muddy black, as it absorbs the negativity of evil curses, flowing out through your feet, out of your house, out on the street, down the drain. Now picture more clear, holy and beautiful water coming down through your body. Visualize it as strong as you can.
  • Now take five to six very slow and deep breaths in order to build the Prana necessary to be offered to your Higher Self.
  • Now visualise the accumulated Prana as a very high voltage electrical ball in your Solar-Plexus. Offer this Prana to your Higher Self, see the Prana surging up from your Solar-Plexus and out through your head as an active erupting volcano. See it forming into a huge circle, of light above your head.
  • Within this circle of pure light now see you encased within the divine protection absolutely safe and secure.
  • Now say firmly and positively with confidence- '' I am totally safe and secure within the holy light. Nothing can harm me from this moment on. With the power of my Higher Self I command any negative thought forms that are left within me to leave me this instant. As I will it, it is done. I will always remain in the divine protection of my Higher self.''
  • Thanks your Higher Self for the divine protection, with a real feeling of gratitude and joy.
  • Repeat the ritual at least once every day until all the evil and negative influences leave you completely and all the evil sent to you has been cancelled.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Insanity or Lunacy in Astrology

Loss of mental stability in daily life is termed as lunacy or insanity. A person lives in the three distinct mental levels. Lower self or the unconscious level of mind, middle self or conscious level of mind and higher self or superconcious level of mind. In a healthy person these three levels of mind work in a balanced and a synchronizing way. While in a lunatic person the three selves are unbalanced and desynchronized.

In a layman language lunacy or insanity generally means a stage where the attention of the mind is being diverted and unfocused. It is caused by the nervous debility due to mental disturbance and lack of common sense.

Factors Responsible For Insanity/Lunacy in Astrology
  • Ascendant: general mental and physical abilities of the person
  • 4th house: represent human mind
  • 5th house: stands for mental capacity and extra -ordinary brilliance
  • 6th house: denotes sickness
  • Moon: significator of mind
  • Mercury: mental brilliance and intelligence
  • Sun: mental brilliance, inner illumination
  • Saturn: obstruction to body metabolism and function of organs
  • Rahu/Ketu: significator of obsessive and compulsive disorder

Different Combination for Lunacy or Insanity
  • Heavy affliction to Moon and Mercury are the definite sign of lunacy
  • Moon and Mercury should be in a quadrant aspected or conjoined with a malefic planet and a malefic planet in 5th/8th, the native may have the fits of epilepsy
  • Moon/Mercury with the lords of ascendant and 8th house
  • Saturn and waning Moon posited in 12th
  • Saturn in ascendant and Mars posited in 9th/5th/7th house
  • Jupiter in ascendant and Mars in 7th, indicate lunatic behaviour
  • Moon is with a malefic and Rahu is posited in 5th/8th/12th, sure sign of aggressive mental disorder
  • Mercury joins Mars in 6th
  • The Moon is combined with Saturn/Ketu
  • In Pisces/Virgo ascendant conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the first degree of Virgo induces lunacy in the person.
  • Mars powerfully aspecting or in conjunction with Mercury in the 6th/8th house
  • Mutable signs [Gemini; Virgo; Sagittarius] in an angle/trine and heavily afflicted

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Divine Mother Reiki Heal Me Whole, Complete and Correct

Mother Reiki 
Reiki is an omnipresent divine invisible form of energy influences living and non livings creatures. The universal energy resides in every micro particle of the universe. Reiki is a simple yet divine technique of healing body/mind /spirit. The reiki works on three dimensions of frame working in the whole, complete and correct manner. Reiki works as an atomic reactor it raises the frequency of all heavy, negative and discordant energy into divine vibration of healing and harmony.

"Divine mother reiki heal me whole complete and correct'' is a very powerful and genuine invocation used for effective healing-sessions. This invocation positively declares and affirms that the healing is done according to the divine mother reiki will and is therefore unstoppable and inevitable and the final result is in the accordance with the divine will.


Any disease manifests itself in three layer of existence physical, etheric, casual. Reiki energy works on physical, etheric and casual levels. Reiki rebalances the energies in each body.
When all the energies in each body are balanced health occurs. When the mind focuses continually on one object or idea, the thought form becomes crystallized in the body. The natural flow of cerebral spinal fluid is arrested in the physical body when there is a blockage in the corresponding are of the etheric body. The struck thought or emotion manifests first in the corresponding part of the etheric or electronic body, if not dealt with, eventually causes disease in the corresponding organ of the physical body.
The reiki works on the physical, etheric and casual levels. Reiki helps each person to release energy blocks and the connected emotions which in turn helps the release of casual level of disease


A human being has a soul, mind and body. The soul is spirit, mind is consciousness and body is matter.
All sickness is due to blockages of soul, mind and body. Soul blockages are due to bad karma, mind blockages are due to negative thoughts, beliefs and attitudes and body blockages include obstructions in physical and energy channel systems, nervous system, lymph system and.
Much of time the physical illness is caused by the mind being out of synchronization with the soul. Insight into the causes of certain illness shows that various parts of body harbour certain types of emotions, and can thus cause corresponding illness.
Reiki works on all levels of existence; it is able to work on the specific level which needs healing, which in fact is connected with other levels. When our all levels works in harmony real healing will occur.


The man is the sum total of the body/mind's experiences in all previous and present incarnations. Some people create mental/physical diseases for themselves on subconscious level and they do so to learn some lesson, the past lives experiences will manifest itself as karmic debts in man's physical, mental and spiritual plane in due time. There is always some good hidden in misfortune, no matter how unapparent. If some other person, who is not well versed in higher levels of healing, tries to interfere /correct the karmic debts of other person, he may face some dare consequences related to the negativity attached to that karmic debt.
Reiki is a potent karmic debt dissolver device. Reiki has an intelligent and correcting energy of its own, it already knows what you have done in past lives and where your karma needs correction or some karmic lessons should experienced by you for your spiritual growth.
Some karmic debts which are causing problems in this life and are not linked with any lesson are completely dissolved in the unconditional love of the reiki.
Reiki as a divine mother treats its baby as a complete entity and heals him at all levels. Mother Reiki removes all the blockages of all levels by her unconditional love, compassion, care and forgiveness.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Sexual Scandals and Disasters in Astrology

Inclination for extreme sensual pleasures stems from the strong animal instincts of a person. Sometimes the native strives for fulfilment of desires of sensual pleasures leaving all social norms, disregarding the age, sex, and marital status of the other person. These types of over- sexed and perverted sexual- patterns or behaviours of a person generate scandals and disasters in the society.

Now with the help of integrated analytical approach in astrology, we can analyse the factors responsible for derogative and perverted sexual patterns of a person.

Factors Responsible For Sexuality:
  • Ascendant---individuality of the person
  • Sign Libra--- satisfactory results in love affair and conjugal bliss
  • 5th house/lord---indicates love affairs and sexual intercourse.
  • 7th house from Ascendant/Sun/Moon--- represents wife/husband, marriage, marital happiness, and sexual pleasures.
  • 8th house/sign Scorpio---passion for carnal pleasures
  • Moon---emotions, desires of human mind, and give courage for passions for sex
  • Venus---significator of wife in male chart, maintain sexual activities.
  • Mars--- martial planet, courage, passion for carnal pleasures.
  • Jupiter---significator of husband, in female chart.
  • Saturn ---offers obstacles in life
  • Rahu---denotes lust and perverted behaviours

Different Combinations for Sexual scandals and disasters:
Sign Libra 
  • Sign Libra is owned by Moon and Venus sexual appeal is enhanced. If they are further aspected by Rahu/Mars the native will involves in corrupt sexual practices.
  • If Libra sign is owned by 4 or more than 4 planets domestic pleasure, cohabitation and conjugal life will get disturbed.

7th house 
  • 7th lord/Venus be conjoined with nodes Rahu/Ketu and be aspected by a malefic the native or his wife will be adulterous.
  • Mars, mercury and Venus in 7th, with no benefice aspects and Jupiter is not in quadrant, render the native passionate and make him seek unnatural sources of gratification.
Different position for 7th lord 
  1. In ascendant---the native become highly sexual and attracted towards other women. And if 1st lord is also posited in 7th the native will become hetro-sexual.
  2. In 2nd house---native will not be satisfied with his wife.
  3. In 8th house---native will visits prostitutes, and loves others women in comparison to his wife.
  4. In 12th house--- wife of the native will be highly sexual in nature.
  • Afflicted Saturn in 4th house, the native will commit incest.
  • Saturn in 5th/7th house the native will get pleasure from old women.
  • Saturn with Moon/Venus/Mars, gives adulterous nature.
  • Saturn in quadrant in its own sign/exaltation the native will become highly sexual.
  • Afflicted Jupiter in 1st/7th/10th/12th house, the native may cross any limit for sexual gratification.
  • Jupiter in 6th house in a male sign makes a person sensuous.

  • Afflicted Moon/Venus in 9th, the native will violate his teacher's bed.
  • Weak Moon joins a malefic in 7th house, the native will corrupt a married women.
  • Moon forming bad aspect with Venus, gives pleasure with other's partner.
  • If Moon is in the 7th and debilitated, sex relations will take place with maid -servants.
  • Moon in 12th house in Pisces, the native will become highly sexual.

  •   Venus in 7th makes one very -very passionate.
  • If Venus in Ascendant with lords of 2nd/7th/6th, the native's moral character will be questionable.
  • Venus combines Mars/Rahu or aspected by them, native will have illegal connections.
  • Afflicted Venus and Mercury in 7th, makes the native inclined towards secret pleasures.
  • Mars in 8th /9th/12th houses, the sexual-urge increases many folds.
  • Mars in the 7th house with no benefices aspects, intercourse occurs with immature girls.
  • Mars in 7th with Saturn the native may have homosexual tendencies
Sexual behaviour like animal  
  • If Mars and a malefic in 7th house
  • If Sun in 7th and Mars in 4th house
  • If Mars in 4th and Rahu in 7th house
  • If 7th lord is aspected by Venus occupying a sign of Mars
  • Malefic in three of quadrants
  • 4th house occupied by lords of 2nd/7th/10th house, the native will hunt after another woman.